Throughout my adulthood, I’ve struggled with being a victim of common diet culture lies. From guilt to shame, I’ve hurt my body and mental health in one way or another. However, one thing I have always been able to keep steady is motivation.
I remember when I was studying for the GMAT exam to get into business school. I would wake up at 4:45 to go work out for an hour, then study for an hour, then go to work.
My friends thought I was nuts but the hard work paid off and got me into my dream school. Often I was asked, how do you stay motivated? I still get asked this question about a lot of aspects of my life.
To this day, I attribute it to one thing.

The Motivation Act
I make my bed every morning.
It is the first task I do every morning as soon as I get out of bed. I have consistently done it my entire life, not perfectly I might add. However, I swear by it and believe most people could achieve more of their goals from this one act.
Yes, there are other factors, but I’m going to share with you how a small chore can be a powerful tool to make or break your day.
Making your bed is a simple task that often gets overlooked. Many people don’t bother because they are going to just mess it up again when they go to bed that night.
So why would making your bed have anything to do with motivation? Well, a lot actually.
Not only does it set up your day, but it can set the tone for the next day when you go to bed. I’ll get into the psychology of that next.
Why It Works
Do you ever have a day where you feel like you can’t accomplish anything? Maybe you get to the point of giving up and throwing in the towel.
I’ve been there and it can happen from time to time. But if you are feeling this way constantly, maybe your habits, or lack thereof, are contributing to it.
Most people look at making their bed as a chore. It can have a negative connotation to it. But does anyone ever say, “Gosh I regret making my bed!”? Probably not I would assume.
Similarly to getting that report done for work or fitting in a workout, there is a sense of pride and accomplishment for “doing the thing.”
In a survey of 1,000 respondents from Best Mattress Brand, half of them make their bed every morning while the other half skip. Of that half that makes it, almost three-quarters said it gives them a sense of accomplishment.
Furthermore, 82% of the bed-makers feel that it helps them be productive all day. Likewise, 79% say that the task is an important part of starting the day right.
The survey goes on to notice that bed-makers were more than twice as likely to be satisfied with their job and a majority were more likely to start work right away than the non-makers.
Importantly for the purpose of this post, over 80% of the bed-makers were most likely to follow a routine and stick to tasks.
Astonishingly, 75% of bed-makers were able to prioritize responsibilities over desires, unlike the non-makers who were barely over half at about 57%.
That is very telling.
The survey goes on to point out other important responses such as keeping a clean home and sleep quality. You can read more about it here.
How is this Motivation to Get Healthy and Lose Weight?
If you need help with weight loss motivation, I hear you. It can be overwhelming to think about how to achieve your goals. Sometimes that feeling blocks people from starting in the first place.
With anything in life, if you look at all the steps to take in order to achieve your goals, it can seem impossible at times.
But if you break it down into little achievable tasks, then you are more likely to accomplish it.
Say you have a goal to lose 10 lbs. If you think of everything you need to do or change, it can really add up. But instead, if you break it down one step at a time. The process is more manageable and sustainable.
Think of it this way. If you need to go into a deficit, eat different “healthy foods” you are unfamiliar with, exercise more, sleep more, etc., you’re head will be spinning.
Focus on One Piece at a Time
For example, you start swapping out your bacon and eggs every Sunday for a hearty bowl of oatmeal with some nuts and fresh fruit. That is a lot easier than overhauling your entire diet.
Over time that small change becomes a part of your routine. Then you can implement other small changes that add up almost effortlessly.
Do you see where I am going yet? By doing little acts that are not massive changes to our routine, we naturally feel more accomplished.
In that nature, a body in motion will stay in motion. Having a stronger pride and sense of accomplishment in itself is more motivating than any pill or self-help book.
So why make your bed every morning? Because this one task that leads to that feeling of accomplishment on a daily basis can be enough to get you in the motion of taking on other tasks.
Instead of focusing on the bigger picture, breaking down one step at a time will add up and boost your motivation.
Tips to Implement It
It is easy to sit here and tell you why you should make your bed every morning. However, I know it is easier said than done.
Sometimes even the simplest tasks can feel like a big hurdle.
Here are some tips to entice you to get that ball rolling every morning and start your day right.
- Make it a Game: Make a fun game out of getting your bed made. This can even carry over into your morning routine. Set a timer and see how fast you can make your bed. Try to beat your previous times.
- A Reward System: Maybe a reward system will do the trick for you. For every xyz days in a row, maybe 5 days, you get to order out that over-the-top Starbucks latte you love. Whatever it is that you can leverage to justify satisfaction, make this reward system a way of achieving it.
- Accountability: You have a partner, friend, or family member hold you to it. It is hard to say you couldn’t achieve a simple task to a person you care about who is holding you accountable.
Give It A Try
Making your bed is not only a great way to keep your bedroom tidy and inviting for the next time you hit the hay, but it also can set you up for success in many other aspects of your life.
If you are looking to find motivation to get healthy and lose weight, it will take more than just making the bed. But I assure you, there is a ripple effect.
Starting your day off on the right foot can cascade into dozens of other good choices that can help you work towards your goals.
By doing simple and manageable tasks, a sense of accomplishment and pride can naturally flow into motivation to keep up the good work.
I implore you to give it a try. It is how I set up my day for success and I am confident you can have the same success.
Have you seen the benefits of making your bed every morning? Comment and share in the section below!

2 responses to “The Best Motivation to Get Healthy and Lose Weight”
That an interesting perspective. I never thought of it that way but I will make an effort to make my bed more often. Thanks!
I’m glad you liked it, thanks Joe!