Amazing Ways to Lose Weight On Vacation

You can enjoy your vacation and even lose weight!

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As we enter the summer season, many people have vacation plans to enjoy the warmer months. And with all the fun that comes with vacation, there is always that risk of overindulging and potentially putting on a few unwanted pounds.

What if I told you you could go on vacation and not only prevent weight gain, but you could also lose weight?

Sounds too good to be true I know.

While everybody’s body is different, there are tricks and tips that you can follow to still have a great time but also go home without the worry of more fat than you bargained for.

Read on to learn my tips and tricks on how to make the most of your vacation.

Amazing Ways To Lose Weight On Vacation!

Vacation Tips

No matter if you are going on an adventure to a new city or relaxing on a beach, you can apply these tips to any vacation.

Tip #1: Embrace Abundance

Embrace abundance on your vacation. Enjoy the foods you love but no need to over indulge.

I’ve been guilty of going balls to the walls on vacation. Eating up every indulgence at my disposal.

Often, people like myself can have a scarcity mindset unknowingly. With this mindset, you are more likely to eat any or everything you encounter.

However, you are not a starved dog (sorry if that is offensive I am a dog lover). But I say it to make a point.

Just because you go on a vacation it doesn’t mean you need to indulge beyond a reasonable amount to your body.

Sure, have that pina colada or extra pastry from the cute little patisserie down the street. But are you really going to go home and say “I’m so disappointed I did not eat XYZ all day every day?” Likely not.

You definitely should feel empowered to eat what you want when you want. Especially on vacation. But be kind to your body and don’t overstuff it just because.

Plus, when you eat with a purpose and really enjoy the new foods you try on your vacation, they are way more memorable.

Tip #2: Walk When You Can

Go for a walk to see the sites and get movement on your vacation!

Walking is truly one of my favorite activities. I sound even lamer when I say water is my favorite drink. It’s okay to laugh at me!

But walking is the easiest way to get exercise while taking in new sights. Whether you are walking the streets of a European city or down the beach on a tropical island, you can make movement a fun part of your vacation adventure.

Walking is great for many reasons but here are a few in case you needed a refresher:

  1. It Burns Calories – I don’t believe in earning calories, but I love promoting a healthy, fun movement that helps burn that extra treat.
  2. You Feel Good – Eating different foods can be fun, but it can also be tough on the digestive system. Getting a little extra movement is a great way to get things moving if you know what I mean.
  3. It Will Help You Sleep Better – It’s true, nothing is better than a great sleep on a fun vacation. Getting extra movement in your day will help tire your body at the end of the day and make it easier to unwind.

These are just a few of the many reasons why walking is such a great and easy way to add movement to your vacation.

For some people, going on a vacation with a lot of walking, such as visiting a city, has them losing weight without even trying. It’s a win-win!

Tip #3: Hydrate

Stay hydrated on your holiday!

We all know how important hydration is. But it is very easy to forget to drink enough water throughout the day.

Staying hydrated will help keep you feeling refreshed and optimize your digestion.

If it is difficult to carry around water all day, you can get hydration from fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables.

By staying hydrated, you are less likely to confuse thirst with hunger. Thereby limiting extra unnecessary calories that could lead to potential fat gain.

And don’t forget, if you are drinking alcohol it’s even more important to get hydration. A good rule of thumb is to have a glass of water for every drink.

Tip #4: Focus on Fresh

Find fresh foods for healthy snacks and meals!

When you are opting for food choices, try to pick fresher options over prepackaged ones. This can make a huge difference in preventing additional unnecessary calories that can lead to fat gain.

If you are on a beach vacation there is likely an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables that you can munch on throughout the day.

Likewise, when you are eating out try to pick one meal a day that is plant-based, such as a hearty salad or locally cooked vegetable dish.

If you have the ability to cook, make sure to include a quality protein with seasonal vegetables.

Tip #5: Reflect With Gratitude

Take a moment of gratitude to appreciate your vacation.

It is a luxury to go on vacation. Take advantage of this time to relax and have fun.

As great as it would be to lose weight, don’t make it your sole focus.

Instead, embrace gratitude and appreciation for the experiences and foods you get to try.

Sometimes, a little sense of gratitude is all the body needs to stay healthy and well.

It sounds corny but I assure you it works.

Have a Fun Vacation

Now that you have some tips to make easy healthy choices, go enjoy your vacation!

Don’t worry too much about trying to lose weight. But if you implement these tips, you may come home with fun memories and a pleasant surprise.

Have you had success with similar tips on your vacation? Comment in the section below!

Tips to Stay Healthy on Vacation. You May Even Lose Weight!

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Hi I’m Meredith! I’m here to share my journey and help individuals who are looking to improve their health and encourage them through the middle. It is easy to be discouraged when you have an end goal. But there is no real end throughout our lives. We are always somewhere in the middle, embrace it!